Kundo: Age of the Rampant

Kundo Age of the Rampant Hangul RRGundo Minraneui Sidae is a 2014 South Korean period action film starring Kang Dongwon and Ha Jungwoo, and directed by Yoon Jongbin. Set in mid19th century Joseon, it is about a power struggle between the unjust wealthy noblemen who run society and a group of righteous outlaws who steal from corrupt officials to give to the downtrodden and starving.

In these turbulent times, a band of fighters named Kundo rise against the authorities. They raid corrupt officials, then share their loot with the vulnerable and impoverished. While the king stands powerless against them, Kundo becomes a figure of fear to undeserving nobles, and a ray of hope in the lives of longsuffering citizens. The members of Kundo believe that their cause is more important than their own lives.In an era when ones status is decided by birth, Dolmuchi was born to a poor butcher, while Jo Yoon, though born into a powerful and wealthy family, is illegitimate. The two men strike a dangerous deal and Dolmuchi loses his mother and sister as a result. He is trampled by Jo Yoon who commands absolute power in his oppressive world. Bringing together the men who are on the fringes of this dark society, Dolmuchi is accepted as a member of Kundo and opens his eyes to the world. Reborn under the new name Dolchi, he draws his sword out of its sheath and disperses the shadow cast on the poor and helpless. Then before him, the man who took away his family appears. Standing in front of Jo Yoon, Dolchi challenges his archenemy to a final duel. ........

Source: Wikipedia